Voice Call
Wrapper class for RTCCall that contains all mid-call features.
Object containing all call information.
Read-only property to know call quality.
Read-only property for the time the call started type Long.
Read-only property to know call state.
Read-only property to know call direction.
Read-only property for the callee's name.
Read-only property to know if call is in disconnected state.
Read-only property for the call's incoming state. True if the state is incoming, False otherwise.
Read-only property to know if call is in outgoing state.
Read-only property for the call's peer on hold state. True if peer is on hold , False otherwise.
Read-only property for the callee's phone number.
Accepts an incoming call. Accepting second call will put ongoing call on hold.
Accepts incoming call and end Ongoing call.
Hangs up current active call.
Puts current call on hold.
Rejects or denies an incoming call.
Resumes call that was on hold.